Shaman Woman
- SHAMAN WOMAN - Looking at this painting brings me to thinking about artists who paint historical or nature subjects. I'm really amazed at the amount of research they are often required to do in order to make a painting, "authentic".
To paint this picture all I had to do is reach into my file cabinet and look at some photos of Indians that I've accumulated. The artifacts you see in my painting came from those photos. The painting was not done to represent a real historical Indian woman, it was done as a fictional likeness of one.
I have read biographies of famous artists like Wyeth, Remington, and others like them, who had no file cabinets filled with photos, they went out west to see the things they wanted to paint. That kind of dedication to art is still going on today; right now it is likely that some nature artist is out in the cold wilderness looking for a place on the ice to sit and paint a sleeping walrus, or perhaps there is one climbing a tree on the edge of a cliff somewhere, struggling to get into position so he can see and paint a bird in its nesting place. They are the artists that have always impressed me the most.

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